Thursday, June 21, 2007

CPAN make error

If you get error like

" Running make test
Can't test without successful make
Running make install
make had returned bad status, install seems impossible "


" -- NOT OK
Running make test
Oops, make had returned bad status
Running make install
Oops, make had returned bad status

do this $> sudo apt-get install libc6-dev

and then after successfull install , continue with the
CPAN install .

Friday, June 08, 2007

[ hint ] No xine-config found. Assuming xine from RPMs

If you got this error, then you are missing the xine-config file. You can get this by installing xine-lib-devel package.
Installing this package , will place the xine-config in /usr/bin/ and then you are ready to go.

Incase the real (.rm , .ram , .rmvb ) files are not working on xine , try downloading the essential package of mplayer from
and go to xine -->settings -->setup-->decoder and fill the path of real codecs (external.real_codecs_path)as /usr/lib/codecs and remember to move the untar files of essential package to that location.

The same can be applied for .wmv, .asf files , as giving the same path for windows media files in (external.win32_codecs_path)