Use GNU/Linux over its rival [ don't even want to spell it ].GNU/Linux is such a nice operating system and most beautiful part of it is that its FREE. It gives you the permission to experiment with itself , so you can use your geniusness on it.
Everything is treated as a file in GNU/Linux.You can explore into its file system and see for yourself how are the commands being written , how are they called , how are the system files arranged. You can even have a look at the Kernel code.You can try innumerable variations of options available with each command to suit your needs.
And in case you have any problem anywhere you can always google your doubt and find the solutions on various forums of the GNU/Linux user groups.
When you say "I wrote a program that crashed Windows", people just stare atyou blankly and say "Hey, I got those with the system, *for free*".'
--- Linus
Torvalds ---
If you have got enthused , visit
http://www.linuxjournal.comTo dowload the fedora core, do click the title.